Swedish vallhund

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Swedish vallhund

(Breeds) a small sturdy dog of a Swedish breed with a long body and pricked pointed ears
[from Swedish vall + hund dog]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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CASTLEROCK'S SPECIAL ASSISTING CANINES, Giant Schnauzer & Swedish Vallhund herding, livestock guardian, service dogs.
COTTAGE GROVE - If you drop in to visit Charlene Sayles, don't be surprised if you catch her voluntarily being herded around her kitchen by Gus - a short, stout dog of the rare Swedish Vallhund breed.
Alexa is chosen to return to her homeland to refresh bloodline of Swedish vallhunds.
Discovery of a mutated gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy in Swedish Vallhunds offers hope for treating blindness in dogs and eventually in humans, according to research from Michigan State and the University of Helsinki.
There are Swedish vallhunds, Chinese shar-peis and spinoni Italiani.
There are several theories about the origins of the Welsh Corgi and it is possible both may be descended form Swedish Vallhunds brought to Wales by Vikings in the 800s.
Charlene Sayles of Cottage Grove is a breeder of Siberian huskies and Swedish vallhunds.
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