

n.1.The act of adding something in excess or something extraneous; also, something which is added in excess or extraneously.
This superaddition is nothing but fat.
- Arbuthnot.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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As it were, the organism poses a particular challenge to the nonpropositional extension of thought through its very proximity and heightened contrast with formal abstraction, as well as a human language fatefully understood as a superaddition to bare life.
I shall not therefore need to say anything, to justifie my choice of this subject, which hath so much better authorities to commend it: I rather wish that it had not the superaddition of an accidental fitness grounded upon the universal neglect of it, it now seeming to be an art wholly out-dated.
Swinburne, respectively, all press the ballad's emotional extravagance to further extremes, and they do so as much through the continued aestheticization of the ballad itself, working and overworking its forms and figures, as by any superaddition of narrative melodrama.
(14) According to this view, Christ is understood, not as a mere superaddition to a cosmos understandable on purely natural terms, but as the one in whom the cosmos finally reaches its true goal.
(87) Similarly, the action of one's role model does not require the exegesis of (verbal) metaphor, that superaddition that renders the action meaningful.
Surely, the Supreme Court would invalidate such an intentional punishment as cruel and unusual, or would at least invalidate the requirement that the inmate wait such a lengthy period of time as a cruel and unusual psychological superaddition to the execution itself.
Ott argues that this reductive view of relations must constrain any interpretation of Locke's "course-of-nature mechanism": it prohibits the addition (or, "superaddition") of powers not founded on intrinsic features of bodies.
Much criticism of the historical novel concerns this imaginative superaddition to 'fact', and indeed those who criticise the form believe it knowingly misinforms, misleads and dupes.
Everything stirring, elusive, and uncanny about the form of photography itself, even before the superaddition of content....
The reason is that the descriptions involve the superaddition of denotatively superfluous nonconstitutive extranuclear properties to natural language designators (p.
This act is a "superaddition" of real relations of interaction, without which the existent substances would constitute so many worlds apart.