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Related to Spermatophyta: Gymnospermae, Angiosperms
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Noun1.Spermatophyta - seed plants; comprises the Angiospermae (or Magnoliophyta) and Gymnospermae (or Gymnospermophyta); in some classification systems Spermatophyta is coordinate with Pteridophyta (spore producing plants having vascular tissue and roots) and Bryophyta (spore producing plants lacking vascular tissue and roots)
division - (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
kingdom Plantae, plant kingdom, Plantae - (botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
class Gymnospermae, division Gymnospermophyta, Gymnospermae, Gymnospermophyta - plants having naked seeds not enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Gymnospermae) and in others a division (Gymnospermophyta); comprises three subdivisions (or classes): Cycadophytina (class Cycadopsida) and Gnetophytina (class Gnetopsida) and Coniferophytina (class Coniferopsida); in some classifications the Coniferophytina are divided into three groups: Pinophytina (class Pinopsida) and Ginkgophytina (class Ginkgopsida) and Taxophytina (class Taxopsida)
Angiospermae, Anthophyta, class Angiospermae, division Anthophyta, division Magnoliophyta, Magnoliophyta - comprising flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Angiospermae) and in others a division (Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Turkiye Bitkileri Kirmizi Kitabi (Egrelti ve Tohumlu Bitkiler) Red Data Book Of Turkish Plants (Pteridophyta And Spermatophyta).
Taxonomy of the plant: (CABI Invasive Species Compendium) Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Spermatophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Dicotyledonae Order: Asterales Family: Asteraceae Genus: Chromolaena Species: Chromolaena odorata Preparation of Methanolic Extract
Inventario da flora vascular de afloramientos calizos de Galicia (Pteridophyta e Spermatophyta).
Tucuman (CYC) Notholaena Se emplean sus nivea Desv.) hojas "aire" Cheilanthes doradita Astringente y La Pampa (CP) bonariensis diaforetico (Willd.) Proctor (sub Notholaena rufa Prl.) SPERMATOPHYTA AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera yerba del Contra el Salta (CYC) paronychioides pollo "chujcho", A.
According to "Plants Database", from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2012), the taxonomic classification of Physalis is: Kingdom Plantae; Subkingdom, Tracheobionta; Superdivision, Spermatophyta; Division, Magnoliophyta; Class, Magnoliopsida; Subclass, Asteridae; Order, Solanales; Family, Solanaceae; Genus, Physalis L.; Species, peruviana.
Sanskrit name Meaning Ugragandha Aggressive odor Shadgrandha Having multiple nodes Golomi Having hairs (as on a cow) Shatvarvika Having six nodes Lomasha Having hairs on nodes Aruna Reddish brown rhizomes Ikshuparni Leaves resembles sugarcane leaves Jatila Hairy rhizome Taxonomy (Seidemann, 2005) Kingdom: Plantae Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular plant) Superdivision: Spermatophyta (Seed plants) Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants) Class: Liliopsida (Monocotyledons) Subclass: Arecidae Order: Arales Family: Acoraceae Genus: Acorus L.