Peninsular War

(redirected from Spanish War of Independence)
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Related to Spanish War of Independence: Spanish Civil War, Peninsular War, Spanish War of Succession

Peninsular War

(Historical Terms) the war (1808–14) fought in the Iberian Peninsula by British, Portuguese, and Spanish forces against the French, resulting in the defeat of the French: part of the Napoleonic Wars
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References in periodicals archive ?
But this is the first time Wilson has appeared in director Sir David McVicar's acclaimed 2006 production, which updates the action from 1409 to the early 19th century during the Spanish War of Independence from Napoleonic France.
When Joseph Bonaparte, the brother whom Napoleon imposed as King of Spain, fled during the Spanish War of Independence from France, he took with him the best of the Spanish royal portrait collection, including many by Velazquez, as loot.
The injustice and inhumanity of the period of the Spanish War of Independence against Napoleon's occupation (1808 - 14) and of Ferdinand VII 's reign (1814 - 20) elicited a tortured reaction from him.