Regency Gothic

Regency Gothic

A brief British fashion in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, inspired by Pugin’s father, for Gothic church ornamentation that predated the fuller Gothic revival.
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The present church, a Regency Gothic building designed by the architect William Brooks, was built in the 1810s.
Lancych Mansion is a spectacular regency Gothic house set in its own private valley and with its very own trout stream.
The Grade II-listed Regency Gothic pile - complete with fairytale towers and turrets - has been turned into one of the poshest B&Bs in Britain.
AN imposing Grade 2 listed Regency gothic revival castle with dramatic views of the Dyfi estuary and the mountains of Snowdonia is now open for business as a luxury guesthouse.
Page said: "We started with 1830s Regency Gothic. Then in act one, 16 years later, it's early Victorian, so has different clothing, different behaviour and different choreography." Then everyone falls asleep, a century passes and they all wake up in the post-war Europe of 1946.
Melbury Lodge in Kempsey, has a guide price of pounds 295,000 and is a Regency Gothic Gentleman's residence ripe for renovation.
(February-March 1819) Returning with a sore throat from the theme-park medievalism Of Stansted, cold stone, Regency Gothic, and writing The Eve of St.
LANCYCH HERE is your rare chance to own a wonderful regency Gothic house set in almost 60 acres of wonderful grounds, pastureland and woodland in a fantastic rural location in West Wales.
But this imposing Grade II listed Regency gothic revival castle, which enjoys spectacular views of the Dyfi estuary, the mountains of Snowdonia and the Cambrian Coast, is no longer a secret.
To book call 01691 870692, AN imposing Grade II listed Regency gothic revival castle with dramatic views of the Dyfi estuary and the mountains of Snowdonia is now open for business as a luxury boutique guesthouse.
The Powys property is a prime example of the Regency Gothic style, aimed at evoking the imagined spirit of an idealised age, the stuff of escapism and historic novels.
Charles was successful in business and lusty enough, producing eight children who lived in the family home Riverslea, a large house built in the Regency Gothic style in Mossley Hill.