Prince Charles

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Noun1.Prince Charles - the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the English throne (born in 1948)
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References in classic literature ?
In the rebellion of Forty-Five, this northern squire sided to serious purpose with Prince Charles and the Highlanders.
And, indeed, I have the comfort to think there will be but little danger; for a popish priest told me the other day the business would soon be over, and he believed without a battle." "A popish priest!" cries Jones, "I have heard is not always to be believed when he speaks in behalf of his religion." "Yes, but so far," answered the other, "from speaking in behalf of his religion, he assured me the Catholicks did not expect to be any gainers by the change; for that Prince Charles was as good a Protestant as any in England; and that nothing but regard to right made him and the rest of the popish party to be Jacobites."--"I believe him to be as much a Protestant as I believe he hath any right," says Jones; "and I make no doubt of our success, but not without a battle.
Then there are the Austrians, they are five hundred thousand if a man, and they are within ten marches of the frontier by this time, under Schwartzenberg and Prince Charles. Then there are the Prooshians under the gallant Prince Marshal.
Even after this he continued, with an astonishing lack of good taste, to live extravagantly and beyond his means (again in disregard of his own precepts), so that Prince Charles observed that he 'scorned to go out in a snuff.' He died in
Prince Charles only mentioned Camilla to his two sons once before Princess Diana passed away.
Prince Charles has been dubbed stoic by royal fans who believe that he rarely laughs or smiles.
President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday received Prince Charles and his wife, Princess Camilla at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla are visiting Abu Dhabias part of athree-nation tour of the Arabian Gulf.
London dailies have reported that while Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, will one day head the Church of England, Archbishop Williams had advised against a church wedding.
The tapes revealed the depth of Prince Charles' love for Camilla when they surfaced sensationally in 1992.
Prince Charles experienced his first heartbreak at such a young age.
Queen Elizabeth II will reportedly give her power to her heir, Prince Charles.