
(redirected from Pointcare)


 (pwăN-kä-rā′), Jules Henri 1854-1912.
French mathematician and physicist who made a number of contributions to the fields of celestial mechanics and algebraic topology.


, Raymond 1860-1934.
French politician who served as president (1913-1920) and prime minister (1912-1913, 1922-1924, and 1926-1929).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(French pwɛ̃kare)
1. (Biography) Jules Henri (ʒyl ɑ̃ri). 1854–1912, French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. He made important contributions to the theory of functions and to astronomy and electromagnetic theory
2. (Biography) his cousin, Raymond (rɛmɔ̃). 1860–1934, French statesman; premier of France (1912–13; 1922–24; 1926–29); president (1913–20)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(pwɛ̃ kaˈreɪ)

1. Jules Henri, 1854–1912, French mathematician.
2. his cousin Raymond, 1860–1934, president of France 1913–20.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The HRVT comprises the stage of the progressive test in which the SD1 index of the Pointcare Plotting showed a value below 3 ms.
Select characteristics of Point-of-Care CD4 T-cell assays, 2011 (15) CD4 T Cell Stabilized Time to Automation Measured Throughput Point-of-Care reagents result parameter per hour Test (min) PointCare NOW Yes 8 Yes CD4 and 5-6 CD4NOW (TM) CD4% (PointCare Technologies, Inc.) CyFlow [R] Yes 1 Yes CD4 and 30-40 miniPOC CD4% (Partee) PimaTM (Mere) Yes 20 Yes CD4 3 Daktari Yes 8 Yes CD4 7 (Daktari Diagnostics, Inc.) Recently, two simple, highly mobile rapid CD4 1-cell assays have attracted attention.
* Thanks to a portable blood-testing device developed by PointCare and mounted in an SUV, medical personnel of the Bwindi Community Hospital in Uganda are now able to provide health care for thousands of people throughout the territory.
The couple returned to Massachusetts and founded PointCare Technologies Inc., which has installed 65 small blood-testing machines in developing countries and recently won a $198,300 grant from the World Bank to place its machines in Malawi.
PointCare's AuRICA machines are smaller, less costly, battery-operated versions of traditional flow cytometry instruments, bulky diagnostic machines that can cost $100,000.
What they probably don't know is that the shape of the bagel is currently helping brainboxes grope towards a solution for the Pointcare Conjecture, one of the fundamental unsolved problems of mathematics.
The RR intervals were registered with the use of a POLAR model RS800 heart monitor, which were transferred to the Polar ProTrainer 5 software and later analyzed by Kubius HRV software (http://kubios.uku.fi/KubiosHRV/) in order to have the heart rate variability parameters, SD1, SD1 of Pointcare plot, HF peak, and HF ms2 as obtained from 1 min samples in progressive test.
MARLBORO - A proposal from PointCare Technologies Inc., which makes a hematology device used for managing anti-retroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS patients, was one of the 22 winners selected this week in the World Bank Development Marketplace.
Privately held PointCare was one of 104 finalists, selected from 3,000 proposals, who showcased their proposal to judges in Washington, D.C., this week.
MARLBORO - PointCare Technologies Inc., which makes a hematology device used for managing antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS patients, has raised $2.3 million in Series B funding mostly from individual investors, Eric J.
PointCare raised $2 million in an earlier round of funding.