planning committee

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planning committee

n (in local government) → commissione f urbanistica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Your employee benefits planning committee will have to determine how skilled your administrator will be at providing such information, and then set up a schedule of meetings where the administrator can answer the plan members' questions.
During the IRI Planning Committee meeting on June 1, the following topics and university coordinators were selected for study during the upcoming 24th IRI cycle: "Field Service Managers and Supervisors: Strategic Leaders in Achieving Employment Outcomes," Dr.
In September the CPE planning committee, made up of state society and Institute members and staff, circulated to state CPA society officials, independent CPE vendors and others an exposure draft of a framework for the network.
The development of STPs is the responsibility of the Tax Policy and Planning Committee working under the direction of the Tax Executive Committee.
Current ACA Service: President, Mid-South Section; member, ACA National Strategic Planning Committee; member, ACA Endowment Campaign Not-for-Profit Committee.
A BID to flatten a former factory to make way for an ambitious development is set to be heard by the council's planning committee, just months after an earlier version of the scheme was thrown out.
This has been rejected so far, but along with the latest figures the borough council has announced it is looking to include a list of the delegated decisions, each month, on its planning committee agenda.
Members of Anglesey Council's planning committee last month rejected plans to install almost 200,000 solar panels on land near Rhyd y Groes, Rhosgoch despite it being recommended for approval by officers.
He said: "While we understand the anxieties of the residents of the village and are keen to resolve any remaining issues, the members of the planning committee have refused the application due to the location being unsustainable.
BAHAWALPUR -- Finance and Planning Committee has approved Rs 3,364 million budget for expenditures of Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) for year 2017-18.
The council's planning committee voted to grant permission for the centre, which recycles metal.

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