Placentia Bay

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Pla·cen·tia Bay

 (plə-sĕn′chə, -shə)
An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southeast Newfoundland, Canada.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Agnes Walsh does this in Oderin, her collection of poems named after an island in western Placentia Bay, Newfoundland.
Such was his stock that in 1941 Minister of Information Brendan Bracken decided Morton - and Morton alone - should chronicle Winston Churchill's trip to Placentia Bay, Canada, to meet American president Franklin D Roosevelt.
Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill drafted the Atlantic Charter on a ship anchored in Canada's Placentia Bay. Though Hitler had been victorious on the battlefields of Europe, Churchill and Roosevelt were determined not only to defeat the Nazi onslaught, but also to lay the groundwork for a future of peace and democracy.
The postwar order had begun to take shape as early as 1941, when US president Franklin D Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill drafted the Atlantic Charter on a ship anchored in Canada's Placentia Bay. Though Hitler had been victorious on the battlefields of Europe, Churchill and Roosevelt were determined not only to defeat the Nazi onslaught, but also to lay the groundwork for a future of peace and democracy.
(12) By 1590, the Placentia Bay fishery expanded into the Gulf of St.
Churchill's endeavor to enlist America's help in defeating Hitler had borne fruit when he and the president met in person in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, in August 1941 to announce their agreement on an Atlantic Charter--and even more when the United States declared war on Japan and Germany after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
For people who have very limited mobility, the center has installed two powerful telescopes on a nearby level wooden deck to scan the whirling clamor of nesting birds on 400-foot-high cliffs, ledges and overhangs of Placentia Bay. This is home to 70,000 birds, including northern gannets and razorbill.
This paper draws upon historical documents, published works, and interviews conducted in Notre Dame Bay, Bonavista Bay, Trinity Bay, Conception Bay, and Placentia Bay in 2003, 2004, 2009, 2010, and 2011 to examine the development of the Newfoundland crab fishery and the politics that have come to surround it in recent years.
Here we consider how women who married into new families and communities in the Placentia Bay area of the province over a fifty year period (1943-1993) negotiated a place for themselves.
Some suggested the ship be anchored in a remote cove in Placentia Bay so that unruly seamen would not disturb the city.