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1. (Biography) Harold Adrian Russell, known as Kim. 1912–88, English double agent; defected to the Soviet Union (1963)
2. (Biography) his father, H(arry) Saint John (Bridger). 1885–1960, British explorer, civil servant, and Arabist
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1963: 'Third Man' Kim Philby turned up in Moscow after escaping arrest in Britain for spying.
1963: Third Man Kim Philby turned up in Moscow after escaping arrest in Britain for spying.
BOOK OF THE WEEK THE MOST DIFFICULT THING by Charlotte Philby, The Borough Press, PS12.99, ebook PS5.99 HHHH H FIRMLY in the emerging domestic noir genre, Philby's debut is intricate, enigmatic, and compelling to the end.
Kim Philby JULY 31 1950: Britain's first self-service store, Sainsbury's, opened in Croydon.
THE MOST DIFFICULT THING BY CHARLOTTE PHILBY Charlotte Philby's debut is intricate, enigmatic, and compelling to the end.
HHHHH Firmly in the emerging domestic noir genre, Charlotte Philby's debut is enigmatic, and compelling to the end.
While slickly written, at times, there is a slightly look-at-me cleverness to the style which jars, and the book has an oddly BOOK OF THE WEEK THE MOST DIFFICULT THING by Charlotte Philby, The Borough Press, PS12.99, ebook PS5.99 HHHH H FIRMLY in the emerging domestic noir genre, Philby's debut is intricate, enigmatic, and compelling to the end.
THE MOST DIFFICULT THING by Charlotte Philby, The Borough Press, PS12.99 (ebook PS5.99) HHHHH FIRMLY in the emerging domestic noir genre, Charlotte Philby's debut is intricate, enigmatic, and compelling to the end.
Ti The Most Difficult Thing by Charlotte Philby is published in hardback by The Borough Press, priced PS12.99 (ebook PS5.99).
Unlike Kim Philby, whose dramatic life as a Soviet agent seems endlessly fascinating to the British public, Richard Sorge's story is virtually unknown, at least in the English-speaking world.
British spy Kim Philby - who notoriously defected to Russia during the Cold War - will have a square named after him in Moscow, it has been announced.