perpetual check

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perpetual check

(Chess & Draughts) chess a consecutive series of checks that the checked player cannot avoid, leading to a drawn game
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The same with the 19-year-old San Diego, who gave up the exchange for a kingside attack anchored on her dangerous pair of bishops that never really came to fruition, and consoled herself with a split via perpetual check.
Handling black, Ding forged the draw with the Philippine-born So, who was unable to translate a positional edge into victory, via perpetual check in 47 moves of a Guioco Piano.
With Rakhmanov's pawn just two squares away from promotion and in mutual time scramble, Tissir missed a beautiful, study-like motif that would have saved the draw by perpetual check - although the idea was difficult to find, much less with very little time.
Matthew Parsons also accepted a draw in an approximately even endgame, and captain Richard Boylan eventually drew through perpetual check in a contest which could have gone either way.
32 Kh1 Rxa4 33 Re8+ Kh7 34 Rd1 There is no point in taking the R on a4 and risking Black forcing perpetual check or even mate.
Michael Eskander: 5 Tie The Knot, 6 Sky Heights, 7 Kayf Tara, 12 Laebeel (from 40), 15 The Hind, 20 Arena, Perpetual Check,
Wesley So showed he indeed is among the world's best when he defeated Alexander Onischuk in their first rapid playoff then forged a draw by perpetual check in the second to win the 2017 US chess championship in St.
Play could continue 43 Qg7+ Kh5 44 Qh7+ Bh6 45 Rf7 Qxe2 46 Rf5+ gxf5 47 Qxf5+ Bg5 48 Qh7+ with perpetual check.
Coral: 6 Kayf Tara, 7 Tie The Knot, 8 Sky Heights, 16 Arctic Owl, Travelmate, 20 Dignity Dancer, Enzeli, Ungaro, 25 Arena, Caitano, Inaflury, Make No Mistake, Perpetual Check, 33 Central Park, Episode, Family Favourite, The Hind, 50 bar.
So bested Alexander Onischuk in their first rapid playoff then forged a draw by perpetual check in the second to add the 2017 US chess championship to his growing title rack in St.
By herculean efforts Michael pulled the sixth game around from a difficult position and with a piece sacrifice drew by perpetual check. Some onlookers realised that he could have done better than the draw at the end, but when a player has been psychologically on the ropes for some time, perhaps his mind is not receptive to a turn-around.
Michael Eskander: 6 Tie The Knot, 8 Sky Heights, Kayf Tara, 20 Arena, Travelmate, 25 Dignity Dancer, Grand Archway, Inaflury, 33 Blueprint, Perpetual Check, Silver Patriarch, The Hind.