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Noun1.Nyiragongo - an active volcano in eastern Congo
Belgian Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire - a republic in central Africa; achieved independence from Belgium in 1960
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The lava composition indicates that a mantle plume-an upwelling of intense heat from near the core of the Earth-may be bubbling to life beneath Nyiragongo, an active African volcano, in the emocratic Republic of the Congo.
The torrent erupted from Congo's 3,469-meter (11,380-foot)-high Mount Nyiragongo (NEE-ur-uh-GONG-go).
But since Mount Nyiragongo in Goma erupted on Thursday, Mrs Andrews became involved in the relief effort.
The deaths came as thousands of people - forced to flee when the Nyiragongo volcano erupted on Thursday - returned home.
Up to half-a-million people were left homeless when Mount Nyiragongo, near Goma in the DRC, began spewing molten rock on Thursday.
Up to half a million people were left homeless when Mount Nyiragongo, near Goma in the DRC, began spewing molten rock on Thursday.
Fires raged and tremors shook the earth throughout the Rwanda-Democratic Republic of Congo border region as hundreds of thousands of refugees who had fled lava from Nyiragongo volcano scavenged for food.
The 130ft-wide path of burning rock, which spouted down Mount Nyiragongo, 12 miles north of Goma, has destroyed half the city and contaminated nearby Lake Kivu.
Hundreds of thousands of people fled across the border after Mount Nyiragongo began spewing rock and molten lava on Thursday.
The 130ft-wide path of molten rock rolled down Mount Nyiragongo, 30 miles to the north of Goma, passed through the central business district and flowed into Lake Kivu, sending sulphuric smoke and steam into the air.
An estimated 250,000 people have fled a rolling river of lava flowing from Mount Nyiragongo through Goma, Congo.