Nautical almanac

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A Greenwich nautical almanac he has, and so being sure of the information when he wants it, the man in the street does not know a star in the sky.
That idea may turn into reality, as researchers at Durham University and the UK's Nautical Almanac Office predict there will be 25 hours in a day in the near future.
The figures were revealed by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac office, with the hour of darkness defined specifically half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset.
Figures from Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office show - to the minute - how much of any given day of the year is shrouded in darkness for all different parts of the country.
In 1976, while he was chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of the Nautical Almanac Office at the U.S.
Sean Urban, Chief, Nautical Almanac Office and U.S.
George William Hill died; an American mathematician and astronomer; worked on celestial mechanics; worked at the Nautical Almanac Office, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Marriage features the vocal stylings of electronic and indie-rock heavy hitters such as Dan Deacon, Carly Ptak of Nautical Almanac, and even Half Japanese's Jason Willett, who strummed a rubber band that becomes the resonant bass line for the album's opening track, "You."
Around 1830 eclipse maps started to appear in three of the main annual ephemerides of the 19th century: the French nautical almanac Connaissance des Temps, the British Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.
Their 18ft oak rowing boat was equipped with just a compass, a sextant, a copy of the Nautical Almanac, oilskins and three sets of oars.