Martin Luther King

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Noun1.Martin Luther King - United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968)Martin Luther King - United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968)
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On April 4, 1968, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King" takes five elementary school students on Papa Lemon's magic train ride back in time to hear Dr.
Based on dozens of revealing interviews with the men and women who knew him then, "The Seminarian: Martin Luther King Jr.
A special service will take place in Newcastle this week -- 50 years to the day since a memorial service was held in the city to honour Dr Martin Luther King.
THIS week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King.
RXR Realty CEO Scott Rechler met with president-elect Donald Trump on Monday at Trump Tower during a meeting with Martin Luther King III and other members of an advocacy group.
Martin Luther King | 1965: Nearly 25,000 people joined Dr Martin Luther King on the steps of the state capital of Montgomery, Alabama, to highlight black grievances.
TYNESIDE Cinema is putting on a series of free screenings of a BBC Newcastle special half-hour documentary about Martin Luther King's visit to Tyneside in 1967 in conjunction with the release of the film Selma.
Modi to visit Gandhi statue, Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr memorials Meanwhile a PTI report said that Modi will pay floral tributes to the Gandhi Statue and visit the historic Lincoln Memorial and the recently established memorial for Martin Luther King Jr in the American capital.
The Albert Dock's Martin Luther King Jr building - which is the former city headquarters of Granada TV - held an inaugural lecture for the Liverpool Centre for the Study of International Slavery.
21 ( ANI ): Google reportedly came up with a peaceful rendition on Martin Luther King Jr.
Much has been written about the alliance between Jews and African Americans during the civil rights movementthe rabbis who participated in the March on Washington, for example, and Joachim Prinz, the Newark rabbi and close confidante of Martin Luther King. One especially interesting vignette comes from Atlanta, where the South's first racially integrated banquet was held in 1965, honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

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