London Assembly

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London Assembly

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the London Assembly the devolved legislature of London, based in City Hall, Southwark. See also: Greater London Authority
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Speaking at a meeting of the London Assembly, Mr Godwin outlined how the country's largest force was preparing for the inevitable recession.
London 2012 chief executive Paul Deighton told the London Assembly it "did not make economic sense" to move, but that they would look at a new venue for badminton, handball and rhythmic gymnastics.
Mayor of London Ken Livingstone and Labour politicians on the London Assembly could be given "golden goodbyes" worth thousands of pounds if they lose office, the Conservatives claimed yesterday.
But Angie Bray, leader of the London Assembly Conservative Group, said that "to skim off a resource which is needed to relieve such poverty, is morally indefensible"
The London Assembly is reviewing the lessons learned from the response to July 7, and in particular how information was communicated to people in London during the day.
Nick Bourne, the Tory leader in Cardiff Bay, said the forum is supported by his opposite numbers in the Scottish Parliament and Greater London Assembly, David McLetchie and Bob Neill.
Yesterday, Labour London Assembly member Jennette Arnold claimed nearly half of the 586 firms that applied for a pounds 2,000 grant have not yet been answered.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair yesterday restated his determination to remain in his post to the end of his contract, as he appeared before the London Assembly to answer questions about the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes.
By 2006, just 33.9 per cent of primary schools in London had approved travel plans for non-car journeys to school, the report for the London Assembly's transport committee found.
I'm an elected Member of the London Assembly, which is supposed to scrutinise the mayor and hold him to account.
The council said the scheme was all about combating climate change, but London Assembly Conservatives said the plans amounted to little more than 'a stealth tax'.

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