Lombard Street

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Lombard Street

(Banking & Finance) the British financial and banking world
[C16: from a street in London once occupied by Lombard bankers]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.Lombard Street - a street in central London containing many of the major London banks
British capital, capital of the United Kingdom, Greater London, London - the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center
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References in classic literature ?
Pickwick and Sam took up their present abode in very good, old-fashioned, and comfortable quarters, to wit, the George and Vulture Tavern and Hotel, George Yard, Lombard Street.
>From ten in the morning till two, he sites in his office in Lombard Street, and the pulse of the city beats differently in his absence."
When young Bullock (of the firm of Hulker, Bullock & Co., Bankers, Lombard Street), who had been making up to Miss Maria the last two seasons, actually asked Amelia to dance the cotillon, could you expect that the former young lady should be pleased?
Godfrey happened to be cashing a cheque at a banking-house in Lombard Street. The name of the firm is accidentally blotted in my diary, and my sacred regard for truth forbids me to hazard a guess in a matter of this kind.
I was going through Lombard Street in the dusk of the evening, just by the end of Three King court, when on a sudden comes a fellow running by me as swift as lightning, and throws a bundle that was in his hand, just behind me, as I stood up against the corner of the house at the turning into the alley.
This narrow thoroughfare, baking and blistering in the sun, is Wall Street: the Stock Exchange and Lombard Street of New York.
At last I saw a vacancy at Mawson & Williams's, the great stock-broking firm in Lombard Street. I dare say E.
At the stipulated hour next morning, Nicholas repaired to the lodgings of Miss Snevellicci, which were in a place called Lombard Street, at the house of a tailor.
They may well be angry, for it is all Lombard Street to a china orange that the School-house kick a goal with the ball touched in such a good place.
All affected premises were located in York Street, High Street and Lombard Street.
He also set off the fire alarm before leaving the premises and being arrested in nearby Lombard Street.
(Alliance News) - Brooks Macdonald Group PLC said Wednesday it has agreed to lease a new office in 21 Lombard Street, central London.