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Related to Lenger: linger


a.1.Longer; longest; - obsolete compar. and superl. of long.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Aftenposten in Norway carried a story about the second DT article on its front page in the 14 November 1947 edition, the day following publication in the DT: "Skandinavia kan ikke lenger regnes til den kristne verden" ("Scandinavia Can No Longer Be Considered in the Christian World").
Barbaros, Lenger, Akgungor, and Aydogus (2007), used CMS analysis to examine the competitiveness of exports of organic agricultural products from Turkey to the European Union.
Friedrich Lenger (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2013), 25-49; and Scott Ury, Barricades and Banners: The Revolution of 1905 and the Transformation of Warsaw Jewry (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2012).
Jason Pittman, CAMT Echo Ridge Apartments Christopher Polley, CAMT Greystar Rodney Pragasan, CAMT Antonio Rhodes, CAMT Robert Richardson, CAMT Lenger Asset Mgmt.
181-84); "This steede schall stonde no lenger stoken./Opynne uppe, and latte my pepul passe" (ll.
Olsen, Lynn Hollen Lees, Andrew Lees, Friedrich Lenger, Geoffrey Crossick, Richard Dennis).
datamaterialet bearbeides sllik at det ikke lenger er mulig a fare opplysningene tilbake til enkeltpersoner.NB!
Snapchat has been touted as a possible chal- lenger and has been expanding in online video.
Janicula, I neither may ne kan Lenger the plesance of myn herte hyde.
Starr, J.A., Drobnis, E.Z., Lenger, S., Parrot, J., Barrier, B.