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American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun1.Ld. - a company that is organized to give its owners limited liability
company - an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage"
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
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References in classic literature ?
The findings of our present study were expected to be consistent with previous research comparing the social status of children with and without LD (e.g., Flicek, 1992; Stone & LaGreca, 1990; Vaughn & Haager, 1994) in that students with LD would be less likely to be classified as popular and more likely to be classified as neglected and rejected than students without LD. We also expected that there would be no significant differences between the two groups in peer-nominated negative social behaviors (i.e., aggression, disruptiveness and dependency), but that children with LD would be seen by their peers as less cooperative and less likely to be leaders than children without LD.
Some types of LD include innate problems with reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), math (dyscalculia), problems understanding what one hears (auditory processing disorder) and more, and some children have to deal with more than one type of LD. Although written at a grade 5 reading level and meant to be accessible to children ages 9-14, The Survival Guide for Kids with LD works well as a resource to share with parents, teachers, or friends.
The findings also highlight important discrepancies between experts' views and the realities of students with LD: differences in terms of ICTs that could be useful (experts' opinions), and in terms of those that are actually used by students with LD. We recommend that students with LD be taught how to use specialized ICTs before they enter college.
The new services include the e-procedure system (2nd edition), e-market (eMart), My licenses system among other services that promote and enhance the customer services at LD.
However, recent discussion about retaining the LD category has prompted this overview of critical issues in the field of LD and their implications for policies that affect individuals with LD.
Learning disabilities (LD) and the related stigma have profound impacts on people with LD. Yu, Zhang, and Yan (2005) found that children with LD exhibited a lower level of peer acceptance than did NLD (nonlearning disabled) children.
In addition, in the northern region of the state, where LD prevalence is higher, health-care providers might be more likely to clinically diagnose (and subsequently report) LD. Laboratory reports are useful to identify LD cases that otherwise might not have been reported by health-care providers and are an important component of LD surveillance in New Jersey.
While it is commonly known that people with LD are more likely to be unemployed than the general population of the United States, less well known is the problem of underemployment among individuals with LD. There are no hard data available, but anecdotal reports and interviews reveal that entry-level jobs often fall below (sometimes far below) the capabilities of individuals with LD, both cognitively and with respect to employability skills.
Therefore, personal protection measures, early diagnosis, and early treatment are extremely important in preventing and controlling LD.
The number of sites required for genotyping any gene or region of the genome will greatly depend on the strength and extent of LD. For regions with strong LD and few haplotypes, only a few sites are required to represent or "tag" the gene or region.
These researchers conducted a cross-national study comparing preservice teachers from the US and Turkey with respect to the extent that their beliefs and predictions regarding their instructional practice are influenced by characteristics associated with LD. Results indicated that preservice teachers (US and Turkey) expressed less confidence in their efficacy (i.e., personal efficacy) at addressing students demonstrating poor motivation and poor strategy use in the context of learning in contrast to efficient motivation/strategy use.