Law Lord

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Law Lord

n (Brit) → Lordrichter m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
But with Penfentenyou behind him he had worked; for he told us that Lord Lundie--the Law Lord was the final authority on the legal and constitutional aspects of the Great Idea, and to him it must be referred.
I had never before seen a Law Lord dressed as for tennis, with a stump-leg barrel-organ strapped to his shoulder.
One of the UK's most distinguished legal minds, the former senior law lord was made a Knight of the Garter in 2005.
HE breaks the stuffy stereotypical mould of a Law Lord on the legal hierarchy and was labelled by contemporaries as "the most brilliant lawyer of our generation".
the Law Lords into the Supreme Court as a result of what appears to have been a last-minute decision over a glass of whisky seems to me to verge on the frivolous" Former Law Lord, Lord Neuberger said the far-reaching change to the legal system appeared to have been dreamed up over a stiff drink by former Prime Minister Tony Blair "I thought I was about to go to sleep at any point.
Lord Phillips, the senior Law Lord, said that a judgment at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) required the appeals to be allowed.
ROYAL cupid Lucia Santa Cruz was the secret informant who exposed a Law Lord's link with Amnesty International - sinking General Pinochet's trial.
Lord Bingham, the senior Law Lord, said the Hunting Act 'must be taken to reflect the conscience of a majority of the nation', following yesterday's unanimous ruling by the five-strong panel which heard the case last month.
JUDGES may be given too much influence over who joins their ranks under the government's plans for legal reform, according to the first woman to be appointed a Law Lord.
Five law lords, headed by the country's senior Law Lord, Lord Bingham, were told that the Court of Appeal decision against restoration of corporal punishment rendered important human rights relating to religious choice ``virtually worthless''.
LEGAL advice given to Tony Blair prior to the Iraq invasion was fundamentally "flawed", says a former senior law lord.
In a fortnight, they will be aske d to approve draconian new terror laws already condemned as "internment" by a former law lord and terrorism expert.