Lake Nasser

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Noun1.Lake Nasser - lake in Egypt formed by dams built on the Nile River at Aswan
Arab Republic of Egypt, Egypt, United Arab Republic - a republic in northeastern Africa known as the United Arab Republic until 1971; site of an ancient civilization that flourished from 2600 to 30 BC
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In search of her top 10, the historian and author travels from the mouth of the Nile in the north of Egypt, to the shores of Lake Nasser in the far south.
SATURDAY, CHANNEL 5, 9PM Egypt's Greatest Treasures with Bettany Hughes From blockbuster temples to the lost treasures of the pharaohs, Prof Bettany Hughes, left, explores one of the world's oldest civilisations in search of her top 10, from the mouth of the Nile in north of Egypt, to the shores of Lake Nasser in the far south.
Bettany will travel from the mouth of the Nile in the north of Egypt, to the shores of Lake Nasser in the far south in search of her Top 10.
Since the construction of the Aswan Dam, reduction in the Nile River's levels is compensated from the strategic reservoir of Lake Nasser, to reach 55.5 billion cubic meters.
The water levels start to rise as flood waters arrive from Ethiopia via the blue Nile, passing through Khartoum before arriving at Lake Nasser in Aswan Governorate.
"As impacts of climate change are becoming more prominent (changing precipitation in the highlands, increasing evaporation from Lake Nasser, etc) and upstream nations are asserting their rights for a larger share of the Nile flow--providing water for its growing population and agricultural demand will be a long-term challenge and uncertain at best.
We were going to witness the launch of the construction work on the first settlement along the body of water that would be the fifth largest manmade lake in the world, just ahead of Lake Nasser of Egypt.
The committee met with Nubian citizens and NGO representatives in Aswan, Cairo and other provinces, as well as representatives of the Nubian community abroad, and heard their demands to return and their proposals for integrated development along the banks of Lake Nasser.
Egypt says the GERD would negatively affect the power production of the High Aswan Dam pointing that the filling of the Ethiopian dam will lower water volume in the reservoir of Lake Nasser.
Today in the Nubian museum in Aswan you can view the archeological photos of what sits beneath Lake Nasser. Ancient Coptic churches, walls lined with traditional Coptic icons and frescoes, mosques, and homes nearly ten centuries old, all buried under Lake Nasser, whose very name seems to taunt the local people and remind them of all that's been lost.
Aswan offers both modern and ancient Egyptian history, from the High Dam, which led to the creation of Lake Nasser, to the Temple of Philae, one of the countryas most beautiful ancient sites.