Kalon Tripa

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Noun1.Kalon Tripa - the chairman of the Kashag and essentially head of the Tibetan government-in-exile
Kashag - the advisory board of the Tibetan government-in-exile
chairman, chairperson, chairwoman, chair, president - the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; "address your remarks to the chairperson"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Oct 18: Kalon Tripa issued a clarification on his appeal made to the Tibetans and TSGs asking them not to hold demonstrations against the Chinese, as his appeal has been taken as directives.
On that occasion, he invoked the possibility that the function of Dalai Lama might end with him, a declaration that echoes from the creation, in August 2001, of that government's elected assembly and its head, the Kalon Tripa. This situation, in which many see an important development toward the democratization of institutional Lamaism, makes this book, Appel au monde (Call to the World), into a political testament of sorts.
A law scholar of Harvard, Sangay was elected as the new Kalon Tripa (Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile) on April 27.
If the Parliament accepts the Dala Lama's proposal it would mean that elected prime minister, referred to as Kalon Tripa, would be given the power to lead the Tibetan movement further, irrespective of whether the Dalai Lama remains on the scene or not.
The Kalon Tripa made it clear that by that time Tibetan monks should have reached a general concensus regarding the method they support for giving bhikshuni ordination.
"Despite the difficulties faced in the initial two years of my administration," Kalon Tripa said, "as of now, we have been able to make a head start in the introduction of organic fanning in all the Tibetan agro-settlements." In a pilot project, a select 10 students each of the (upper) Tibetan Children's Village School, Dharmsala, and the Mussoorie-based Tibetan Homes Foundation will be fed only organic food for six months beginning this November, declared Health Secretary Tempa
Sangay was elected the new "Kalon Tripa" on April 27, replacing the incumbent Samdhong Rinpoche.
A law scholar from Harvard University, Sangay was elected the new "Kalon Tripa" on April 27, replacing the incumbent Samdhong Rinpoche.
A law scholar from Harvard University, Sangay was elected the new 'Kalon Tripa' or the Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile on April 27, replacing the incumbent Samdhong Rinpoche.
You know that for the Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister) position, the chief of the administration, there is still an open competition among three countries, very open, which is something they never had before," Mecacci told reporters here.
"Since 1960, he is trying to educate and bring up the people (to be) able to manage themselves and now, I think, this is the appropriate time since the political leadership is also begin to elect democratically by the people in diaspora directly, the Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister).
The assembly is expected to approve his request and vote to elect a new 'Kalon Tripa' or Prime Minister who will, depending on the constitutional changes, take on the Dalai Lama's political functions.