International Criminal Police Organization

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Related to International Criminal Police Organization: Interpol

International Criminal Police Organization

(Law) See Interpol
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After checking the International Criminal Police Organization's (Interpol) database, Moroccan police discovered that the suspect was the subject of an international arrest warrant under a red notice issued by Interpol on January 17, 2019.The suspect was involved in several murders as well as an attempted murder in settling accounts between organized crime networks, says the DGSN statement.The suspect was placed in police custody under the supervision of the public prosecutor's office.
Prior to his arrest, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) and Chinese Embassy sought the BI's help in locating Hu who is the subject of a criminal complaint from 7,455 victims who claimed they were defrauded of more than 435 million yuan ($63 million).
International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) included him on the international wanted list in accordance with Azerbaijan's appeal.
In his privilege speech on Wednesday, the senator said Co was among the most wanted persons in mainland China and is included in the Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) watchlist.
He questioned how Xu, supposedly on the watchlist of the International Criminal Police Organization or Interpol, was able to slip in and out the country.
Panfilo Lacson who said that nothing was done to prevent Co from leaving the country last April 3 despite being already in the watch list of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).
The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) has issued a red notice for two Bosnian nationals allegedly involved in the war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) called Saturday for the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to invite Taiwan to participate in its general assembly this year, stressing that China has no right to represent Taiwan.
Meanwhile, Turkey's police arrested today 12 people, including two women wanted by French police, in Bursa city upon a request of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) as they have connections to the IS.
Summary: Beijing [China], Oct 08 (ANI): China has accused former chief of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) Meng Hongwei, who has been detained in the country, of accepting bribes.
The Chinese politician has been heading the International Criminal Police Organization since 2016.

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