I'm engaged

Related to I'm engaged: Engagement rings
I'm engaged   
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
I can't stay, because I'm engaged to some fellows to- night.
I like to talk to him, because he's so clever and amusing--I wish Sir Thomas Ashby were half as nice; besides, I must have SOMEBODY to flirt with, and no one else has the sense to come here; and when we go out, mamma won't let me flirt with anybody but Sir Thomas--if he's there; and if he's NOT there, I'm bound hand and foot, for fear somebody should go and make up some exaggerated story, and put it into his head that I'm engaged, or likely to be engaged, to somebody else; or, what is more probable, for fear his nasty old mother should see or hear of my ongoings, and conclude that I'm not a fit wife for her excellent son: as if the said son were not the greatest scamp in Christendom; and as if any woman of common decency were not a world too good for him.'
(Laughs) No, I'm engaged to my career at the moment.
class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink= "I'm engaged! Beautiful ring, see?
At the time she wrote on Instagram: "I've literally just landed back in the UK from Japan and I can't believe I can say that I'm engaged to be a WIFE!!
At the time she wrote onInstagram: "I've literally just A-landed back in the UK from Japan and I can't believe I can say that I'm engaged to be a WIFE!!
This is especially so whenever I'm engaged in a verbal conversation.
It is a very intrinsic part of my existence, so being creative is something I'm engaged in most of the time.
Speaking in the preview ahead of the new season, Toni says: "I have an announcement to make … I'm engaged."
In an interview given to a leading entertainment website, Villeneuve said, "I said to Barbara [Broccoli], I would love to work with you and with Daniel, but I'm engaged. I will love to do it, honestly.
She added: "I'm engaged, we're getting married next summer in France.