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(Placename) a port in E North Korea, on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) southeast of Hamhung. Pop: about 200 000 (latest est), but the city was merged administratively with Hamhung in 2005 and figures are not normally published separately
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a seaport in W North Korea. 150,000.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Timeless E4, 10pm The second series of the sci-fi adventure concludes tonight as Emma lures Lucy (Abigail Spencer, left) and the team to North Korea during the 1950 Hungnam evacuation.
South Korean president Moon, himself a member of a separated family from the North's eastern port city of Hungnam, said on Monday that the reunions should be sharply scaled up and held on a regular basis and include exchanges of visits and letters.
Just like the party, this year's issue was stuffed with 13 articles on various topics, such as foreign maps of Korea, fortune-telling, the Hungnam Evacuation and the history of Zandari (today's Hongik University area).
It showcased events such as the Hungnam Evacuation during the 1950 Korean War, the government's decision to dispatch nurses and miners to West Germany in the 1960s and the Vietnam War.
KOSA has branches in trading ports in North Korea to include Nampo, Hungnam, Chongjin, Haeju, Songnim, Wonsan, and Rason.
After a bitter fight against the Chinese, the terrain, and the harsh winter weather, the 1st Marines successfully broke out of Chinese encirclement to reach Hungnam where they and the other remnants of X Corps evacuated North Korea.
Caption: In this work, Korean War veteran Ted Zuber depicts a Canadian destroyer tiring at shore targets near Hungnam on the east coast.
The UN forces suffered at least one significant maritime defeat, however, when a planned amphibious assault on the east-coast port of Hungnam in October 1950 had to be canceled because the harbor had been mined.
So many people in the US don't know anything about the Korean Conflict, much less about places like Inchon, Wonsan, Hungnam and Chosin.
By the time the UN forces broke the encirclement and fought their way to evacuation at Hungnam, 3,000 U.S.
Before departing for Beijing, Makiko Taniguchi, 74, from Kagoshima Prefecture, whose younger sister and brother died in Hungnam, a North Korean city on the Sea of Japan coast, told reporters at Haneda airport, "I have longed for a visit to their cemeteries for the past 50 years."
The next day, NKPAF's Yonpo airfield near Hungnam on Korea's east coast was raided by FEAF's Superfortresses (19th BG).