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Related to Hierapolis: Laodicea, Colossae


An ancient city of southwest Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. The Roman city was known for its baths fed by hot springs. Hierapolis was also an early center of Christianity.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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It was formerly known as Hierapolis, which means the holy city.
Among their topics are nothing to remember: redesigning the ancient city of Assos in the Byzantine era, representing and remembering rituals in public space: depictions of sacrifice in Roman Asia Minor, Ephesus and the Amazons: remembering or recreating the early history of a Greek polis in the fifth century BC, building memory on the route: for a visual reconstruction of festive processions in Kos, and a distant memory: new Seleucid portraits in Roman Hierapolis. The 25 papers are from a conference in Aarhus during October 2014.
Papias, bishop of Hierapolis (around 140 AD), refers to Mark as writing the Gospel that carries his name: "Mark, having become the interpreter of Peter, wrote down accurately whatever he remembered of the things said and done by the Lord, but not however in order."
In his analysis that includes parts of Greece as well as nearby western Turkey, Stewart points specifically to cities like Mycenae, Ephesus, Cnidus and Hierapolis. Of those four ancient cities, which today are important historical and archaeological sites, the former is in mainland Greece and the other three are in Turkey.
Philip then travelled to Hierapolis in Greece, where he healed the wife of the city's leader, the pro-consul, but enraged him in the process.
The ancient Greek city of Hierapolis was built on top of the hot springs by the kings of Pergamon.
Epicteto, Frigio, de Hierapolis, liberto de Epafrodito (um dos guarda-costas do imperador Nero), influente filosofo estoico no seculo I d.C., ministrava aulas em Nicopolis.
La ausencia de una tradicion interpretativa del Apocalipsis diferente de la transmitida por Papias de Hierapolis, nos ha llevado a aceptar la necesidad de que esta debe ser considerada sustancialmente dependiente de la Tradicion Apostolica.
For sites further afield, visitors can book a day trip to the World Heritage Site of Hierapolis-Pamukkale to soak in the mineral-rich, hot-springs at Pamukkale or explore the ruins of the Roman city of Hierapolis. The price includes return flights from Manchester and accommodation on an all-inclusive basis.