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(Biography) Joyce, real name Joyce Irene Phipps. 1910–79, British comedy actress and writer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈgrɛn fɛl)

Sir Wilfred Thomason, 1865–1940, English physician and medical missionary in Labrador.
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EMERGENCY crews rushed to fight a fire at a block of flats close to Grenfell Tower yesterday.
A fire at a block of flats near Grenfell Tower has sparked anger among residents, who criticised what they said was a lack of safety improvements since the 2017 blaze that killed 72 people.
More than 60 firefighters were called to a block of flats near Grenfell Tower after reports of a blaze.
FIRE safety regulations and building standards are to be strengthened in Scotland two years after the Grenfell Tower fire in London caused 72 deaths.
FOLLOWING the devastation of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the Government carried out an independent review of the Building Regulations and Fire Safety; this week, it published a 'clarified version' of Approved Document B.
A TOWER block in Newcastle became the centre of attention in a national campaign to make buildings safer two years after the deadly fire at Grenfell.
SURVIVORS and bereaved families of the Grenfell Tower fire have projected messages on to "unsafe" tower blocks across the United Kingdom two years on from the blaze.
A London council made millions of pounds selling off valuable property at the expense of renovating its ageing and unsafe tower blocks like Grenfell Tower which was devastated by fire killing 72 and leaving hundreds homeless.
Residents bereaved and devastated by the Grenfell Tower fire have spoken of their "disgust" in learning of Kensington and Chelsea Council's multi-million pound property deals while it was cutting costs on renovations to the 24-storey building.
UNSAFE Grenfell Towerstyle cladding on private residential high-rise blocks will be replaced at the cost of around PS200 million funded by the Government, the Ministry of Housing has announced.