Great Wall

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Related to Great Wall: Great Wall of China

Great Wall

(Astronomy) astronomy a vast sheet of many thousands of gravitationally associated galaxies detected in the universe
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.Great Wall - a fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BCGreat Wall - a fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BC; it averages 6 meters in width
Cathay, China, Communist China, mainland China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red China - a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Then starting from a short distance behind them I ran swiftly up from one tier to the next, and with a final bound from the broad shoulders of the highest I clutched the top of the great wall and quietly drew myself to its broad expanse.
It was after dark when Woola and I spied through the mighty forest the great wall which surrounds the city of Kaol.
an island, which may be compared to a castle situated on the summit of a lofty submarine mountain, protected by a great wall of coral-rock, always steep externally and sometimes internally, with a broad level summit, here and there breached by a narrow gateway, through which the largest ships can enter the wide and deep encircling moat.
Yet it was afternoon before they came to the great wall that surrounded the City.
That will be a new thing in logic, and a feat in story-telling somewhat older than the great wall of China.
When they came to the great wall of the Emerald City, the gates were opened by the Guardian who always tended them.
It called the players for the first game, and simultaneously there fluttered to the peaks of a thousand staffs on tower and battlement and the great wall of the stadium the rich, gay pennons of the fighting chiefs of Manator.
"They lived in a great village in huts that were built of stone and surrounded by a great wall. They were very fierce, rushing out and falling upon our warriors before ever they learned that their errand was a peaceful one.
Surely when the Achaeans have gone home with their ships, you can shatter their wall and fling it into the sea; you can cover the beach with sand again, and the great wall of the Achaeans will then be utterly effaced."
Here, hopelessly man-made as the great wall was, nothing seemed artificial.
The suitors were surprised and angry at what had happened, so they went outside the great wall that ran round the outer court, and held a council near the main entrance.
At the edges, so my ancestors have reported and handed down to me, is a great wall that prevents the earth and waters from escaping over into the burning sea whereon Pellucidar floats; but I never have been so far from Anoroc as to have seen this wall with my own eyes.