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 (gräm′shē), Antonio 1891-1937.
Italian political leader and theorist who helped establish the Italian Communist party in 1921. Mussolini later outlawed the party and Gramsci was imprisoned (1926-1937).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Italian ˈɡramʃɪ)
(Biography) Antonio. 1891–1937, Italian politician and Marxist theorist: founder (1921) of the Italian Communist party. His important works were written during his imprisonment (1926–37) by the Fascists
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Dans cet expose intitule : [beaucoup moins que]la Koutla historique, Mohamed Al Jabri, Gramsci et la situation actuelle dans les pays arabes[beaucoup plus grand que], Ismail Alaoui a essaye de mettre en lumiere les points de ressemblance et de divergence entre Al Jabri, l'intellectuel et le militant, et Antonio Gramsci le philosophe, l'ecrivain et le theoricien politique italien.
I am deploying the term 'hegemony' not in its contemporary, everyday sense, but as it was used and popularized by Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci theorized hegemony as the way the ruling classes in capitalist society perpetrate their dominance by making their values seem 'natural' and 'common sense,' which encourages oppressed people to identify with their oppressors without at winge of psychic discomfort.
Crises and Hegemonic Transitions: From Gramsci's Quaderni to the Contemporary World Economy
The prominent Palestinian intellectual Edward Said, author of Orientalism and The Question of Palestine, admired the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci for his views on cultural hegemony.
In his legendary 'Prison Notebooks,' Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci said, '[a] common error in historico-political analysis consists in an inability to find the correct relation between what is organic and what is conjunctural.'
Liu examines the intellectual trajectory of Chinese Marxism from its inception to its post-Mao phases of transformation, by comparing it with cultural and aesthetic thinking of Western Marxists, including Gramsci, Adorno, Benjamin, Althusser, Williams and Jameson.
A dare valore documentario a queste pagine non e solo la preparazione di testi che sarebbero stati fondamentali per la nuova cultura del dopoguerra (come, per la prima volta in Italia, Yopera omnia di Antonio Gramsci, in un'edizione priva di tagli e percio anticipatrice dell'edizione critica di Gerratana del 1975) o la presenza di nomi come Cantimori, Umberto Barbaro, Franco Calamandrei, Ettore Lo Gatto, Lombardo Radice, Alicata e Sapegno, ma e anche la particolare fase cronologica in cui questo progetto prende forma.
Em tempos conturbados, em que o fascismo ganha corpo e volume na sociedade atual, o livro Gramsci e a Revolucao Russa chega aos leitores como um estimulo teorico para reformulacoes de novas praticas no embate contra a exploracao do capitalismo.
No es un misterio que uno de los momentos de mas intenso y significativo interes por la obra de Gramsci en Gran Bretana se haya producido con el debate que, en los anos setenta, abrieron la revista Marxism Today y el trabajo realizado por el Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) de la Universidad de Birmingham, bajo la direccion de Stuart Hall (Forgacs 1989, 79).
On the course's last day, Mallick stressed the understanding of Marxist theory through leading Marxist Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony which, according to the speaker, greatly contributed to the Marxist political theory.