
n. & v.1.See Gloze.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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A cleft sentence consists of a predicate (the vedette) and a personal pronoun that functions as its subject, as well as a nominalized part of the sentence (the glose) which is in apposition to the pronoun.
Georgianna Glose, who has lived and worked with Butler since 1969, said the revelations were a "huge betrayal" for all three of the sisters.
"Glose sur les 'maris jaloux' de Cervantes." Bulletin Hispanique 31.1 (1929): 1-74.
The friars' desire to accumulate--to multiply--material goods, especially beautiful buildings, for their "houses" is connected to their tendency to "glose" scripture; indeed, their whole lifestyle is said to be a "greit" "glose" on the laudable intentions of the original founders of the orders, who themselves were "[g]rounded on the godspell" (ll.
And in fact, as the genre of the "lecons" of the French humanists had grown out of the practice of the "glose" in sixteenth-century France, so had the "commentaire" developed into a form of "essai." (21) But, if the commentators tended to smooth out textual difficulties and provide coherence, Montaigne propped his own incoherence and variety precisely on the irreducible difference and disparity of ancient exempla and sententiae.
Five ships C.V Malleco, C.V Hansa America, M.T Shalamar, M.T Glose Tanya and M.T Chem Tiger carrying containers, furnace oil, LPG and Chemicals are expected to take berths at QICT, FOTCO SSGCLPG and EVIL respectively on Friday, February-2016, while three more ships C.V Tomko, C.V Janna and Feng Hai-36 with containers and edible oil are due to arrive at Port Qasim on Saturday, 27th February-2016.
Taj Keipertov zakljucak treba ipak relativizirati jer se starija potvrda te rijeci (bez glose u zagradama) nalazi i u prethodnome, 3.