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the principles of the imperial and aristocratic party of medieval Italy, especially their support of the German emperors. Cf. Guelphism. — Ghibelline, n., adj.
See also: Politics
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"The Habsburg World Empire and the Revival of Ghibellinism." Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
(73.) For the connection between Ghibellinism and practices of black magic and astrology, see N.
Thus, for example, glosses by Antonio da Tempo (Venice, 1477), Francesco Filelfo (Bologna, 1476), and Hieronimo Squarzafico (Venice, 1484) present Petrarch as a civic humanist and defender of Milanese Ghibellinism; Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo (Naples, 1533) recreates the poet as the epitome of Castiglionesque courtiership; Bernardino Daniello (Venice, 1541) stresses Petrarch's classical erudition in terms which will inform Du Bellay's project in La Deffence et illustration de la langue francoyse; and Reformation commentators such as Antonio Brucioli (Ferrara, 1548) and Lodovico Castelvetro (Basel, 1582) cast Petrarch as a proto-Protestant, a model particularly attractive to, and, as Kennedy shows, readily adopted by, the Sidneys in England.