George W. Bush

(redirected from George Dubya Bush)
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Noun1.George W. Bush - 43rd President of the United StatesGeorge W. Bush - 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946)
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References in periodicals archive ?
I think we already know Blair did a secret deal with George Dubya Bush to invade Iraq before he asked Parliament to approve the war.
The most powerful nation in the world that elected George Dubya Bush into the White House and who immortalised his presidency with such quotes as: "Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?" They also said Brits were not as funny as we think we are.
AS George Dubya Bush once remarked 'History's all behind us'.
At the end of the day, anyone would be a marked improvement on George Dubya Bush.
We've all heard corny jokes about Prescott and Blair and Jacques Chirac and George Dubya Bush. Since when has Paisley suddenly become sacrosanct?
If this was to come about then it would undoubtedly be extended to other murder categories and as a nation we would then end up in the same sadistic league as George Dubya Bush's Texas.
Finally, our thoughts turn to George Dubya Bush, who, it is suggested, God speaks to directly.
THE American crowd may have booed Thomas Levet for the heinous crime of being French at the height of George Dubya Bush's bid to convince the UN it was okay to invade Iraq.
Seeing the pictures of George Dubya Bush calling in on his troops in Iraq with a surprise Thanksgiving Day turkey shortly after visiting Tony Blair's stamping ground of Sedgefield, brought to mind this archive picture of another president causing a sensation with a trip to our region.
George Dubya Bush is in town and don't we know it with shameless millions being spent to protect the most powerful man on the planet.
If you are scratching round for a cheering thought, consider: But for Saddam Hussein and George Dubya Bush we would be pondering the entrails of a joyless Budget this morning.