General confession

the confession of sins made by a number of persons in common, as in public prayer.

See also: Confession

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"Begin by sitting down, and making yourself comfortable, for I am going to begin with a general confession, you will afterwards give me a good absolution, and I shall believe myself more tranquil."
"My lord," said the father, "you are not so ill as to make a general confession urgent -- and it will be very fatiguing -- take care."
It was dreadfully long before the General Confession began, so that she could kneel down.
Ricardo Carnicero, rather than the Jesuit parish priest whose unacceptable conditions for the home stay were that: Rizal publicly retract his religious errors and correct his anti-Spanish and separatist ideas, make a general confession, and live the life of a fervent Catholic and Spanish subject.
Instead, let us consider the General Confession, which the eminent Anglican Donald S.
In the introduction, she informs the reader that Mother Teresa would have considered this book "blasphemy" and near the end, she relates the judgment of a priest who heard her general confession: "You are a sex addict" Both of these statements seem confirmed in this work.
In the Episcopal church, the sign of peace follows the general confession of sins either just before the offertory, or at the beginning of the Mass in the penitential office.
Quite late in his text he acknowledges that the sacrament is in crisis (176), but he does not convey any sense of a need for urgent remedial action by church authorities--although he does close with a brief lament that there cannot be a more general use of the third rite of the sacrament (general confession and absolution) (207).
I'm sure that anybody in the 50-plus age group of worshippers in the Church in Wales, would agree with me that up until 1966 this was the form of general confession used by everybody at every celebration of the Holy Communion.
In Nurnberg (reformed in April of 1524), the Council established the practice of having a general confession of sin before the celebration of the Eucharist.
David's prayer was no mere general confession. He named his sins specifically as God showed them to him through his conscience.

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