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 (gä-ā′tə, -ĕ′tä)
A city of west-central Italy northwest of Naples on the Gulf of Gaeta, an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Gaeta was a favorite resort of the ancient Romans and a prosperous duchy from the 9th to the 12th century, when it was conquered by the Normans.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The scatterbrain that gave La Mancha more Rich spoils than Jason's; who a point so keen Had to his wit, and happier far had been If his wit's weathercock a blunter bore; The arm renowned far as Gaeta's shore, Cathay, and all the lands that lie between; The muse discreet and terrible in mien As ever wrote on brass in days of yore; He who surpassed the Amadises all, And who as naught the Galaors accounted, Supported by his love and gallantry: Who made the Belianises sing small, And sought renown on Rocinante mounted; Here, underneath this cold stone, doth he lie.
And from this time he began to seek new alliances and to temporize with France in the expedition which she was making towards the kingdom of Naples against the Spaniards who were besieging Gaeta. It was his intention to secure himself against them, and this he would have quickly accomplished had Alexander lived.
The very name assumed by his host of Monte Cristo and again repeated by the landlord of the Hotel de Londres, abundantly proved to him that his island friend was playing his philanthropic part on the shores of Piombino, Civita-Vecchio, Ostia, and Gaeta, as on those of Corsica, Tuscany, and Spain; and further, Franz bethought him of having heard his singular entertainer speak both of Tunis and Palermo, proving thereby how largely his circle of acquaintances extended.
Joining McLeod to announce 2021 re-election bids this week were trustees Karen Arnet, Michael Gaeta, Karen Mills and Village Clerk Bev Romanoff.
Holliday is supported by ex-professional Italian player Roberto Gaeta and has been boosted by funding from the Princess Trust.
Picholine, Gaeta and Kalamata are all varieties of which fruit?
SeaSpine Holdings Corporation has appointed Kim Commins-Tzoumakas and Renee Gaeta as members of the company's Board of Directors, effective Feb.
"I reached out to the angels, and they really are angels," said Delisa Gaeta, 55, who was concerned about her foster father, whom she hadn't seen in years.
Two men, later identified as Jose Gaeta and Tristan Smith, both 20, had allegedly been shot by their downstairs neighbor, 59-year-old Franklin L.
Officers on mobile patrol saw Andrew Gaeta, 36, sitting in a car in Paisley's Barskiven Road, on September 29.