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Related to Froude: Froude number


1. (Biography) James Anthony. 1818–94, English historian; author of a controversial biography (1882–84) of Carlyle.
2. (Biography) his brother William. 1810–79, English civil engineer
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James Anthony, 1818–94, English historian.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"No critic," says his first biographer, Froude, "no critic after the completion of Frederick, challenged Carlyle's right to a place beside the greatest of English authors, past and present." He was a great historian, but in the history he gives us not dead facts, but living, breathing men and women.
There are interest and power in his narratives of Julian's expedition into Assyria, of Zenobia's brilliant career, and of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, but not the stirring power of Green or Froude or Macaulay.
This news release has been reviewed and approved by Timothy Froude, P.
He will be at Normandy beach today, while Bob Froude, 94, will be watching from his home in Barry.
Meanwhile, Ish and Nate's bank cards are frozen, meaning the now-penniless friends must put their trust in gym owner John Froude.
Steven Froude put Strollers ahead in the first half and Gretna were still in the game at the break.
To further characterize flow conditions at the sites, we calculated Froude and Reynolds numbers for each site following Gordon et al.
William Froude, a mechanic, predicted different sized but geometrically similar hulled boats would be dynamically similar, in terms of wave resistance, when a ratio, now termed Froude number (Fr), was constant (Vaughan and O'Malley, 2005).
A trialist and Stephen Froude netted before Star's Curtiss Wilson replied and Shaun Turnbull saw red.
In this study, laboratory pier scour experiments on particular bridges in Georgia, USA, were conducted and their hydraulic and geometrical conditions were reproduced in the laboratory by equating the Froude numbers in the model and prototype.
Writers discussed include Michel Maxwell Philip, Marcella Fanny Wilkins, James Froude, Charles Kingsley, V.
Civil Service's Steven Froude is doubt to play Brora.