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[German: Miss]
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The positivity suggests that IO can increase FRL. In the same vein, the correlations amongst the remaining control variables did not significantly differ from our anticipation as the highest value of -0.22 between AUFEE and FRL, while amongst the independence the highest correlation is between AUFEE and Big4 with 0.52.
Our analysis considerably beg to disagree with Apadore & Noor (2013) and Afify (2009) who could not find any evidence to confirm a negative association between Big4 and FRL. Arguably, Big4 auditors are more likely to work extra hard to reduce the reporting time lines when compared to their non-Big4 counterparts (Leventis, Weetman, & Caramanis, 2005; Al-Ajmi, 2008; Rusmin & Evan, 2017).
To determine fidelity score differences, an analysis of covariance was run for each rater type (i.e., facilitator, team member, parent, child) comparing the racial background of the child at the 6-month time point of wraparound services, controlling for FRL. To examine wraparound outcomes, a multiple linear regression analysis was conducted, with exit CAFAS scores as the dependent variable and initial CAFAS scores, racial background, FRL status, attrition status, and time in services as the predictor variables.
Study findings indicated that African American youth receiving FRL left wraparound services at significantly higher rates (63%) than Caucasian youth (53%) receiving FRL. However, when African American youth and Caucasian youth were a part of a higher SES group, the difference in attrition and completion of services was not significantly different.
Department of Education and the Alliance for Excellent Education assembled a team of library and education leaders at the San Francisco Public Library to inform the vision and direction for FRL. Participants included thought leaders associated with Follett's Project Connect and the Alliance's 2014 report Leading in and Beyond the Library.
The following website links and documents are mentioned in the article and can be used to learn more about Future Ready schools and FRL.
Nearly 80% of the students in the study were eligible for FRL. On the spring pretest, students scored somewhat below national norms on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) reading comprehension test.
At first, the Family School and the Arts and Technology Academy alternative schools look pretty good at 54 percent and 61 percent FRL. But both Family and ATA attract most of their students from Chavez, 77 percent FRL, and River Road, 73 percent FRL.