Fritillaria meleagris

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Related to Fritillaria meleagris: Fritillaria imperialis
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Noun1.Fritillaria meleagris - Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval timesFritillaria meleagris - Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval times; widely grown as an ornamental
checkered lily, fritillary - any liliaceous plant of the genus Fritillaria having nodding variously colored flowers
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Your plant is a little bulb, the snake's head fritillary - Fritillaria meleagris. It's a British native.
Combined with an under-planting of Helleborus niger, the white flowered Christmas rose and some snowdrops or Fritillaria meleagris (snakeshead fritillary) and you will have something to look at all winter long."
THE snake's head fritillary, or Fritillaria meleagris, is one of the great delights of the British garden.
His own personal favourites for each season, which are easily grown in this country and will add both colour and texture to the garden scene, include Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Flame' in winter; Scilla siberica, Helleborus nigra and Fritillaria meleagris 'Alba' in spring; Dicentra Formosa 'Aurora', Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge', Paeonia 'White Wings', Rosa moyesii 'Nevada' and Phlox paniculata 'Rosa Pastell' in summer; and Anemone 'Honorine Jobert' and Gentiana makinoi in autumn.
Grape hyacinth, regular hyacinth, wood hyacinth (Hyacinthoides hispanica), all the ornamental onions, dogtooth violets, dwarf iris, snowdrops, winter aconite, chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-Snow), scillas by the hundreds, guinea hen flowers (Fritillaria meleagris), and of course daffodils in all of their vast array.
ALSO known as the snake's head lily, Fritillaria meleagris is a British native wildflower which used to be widespread in water meadows.
SOME 2,000 Snake's Head S Fritillary bulbs, known as Fritillaria meleagris, have bloomed at a Midland site where sewerage system improvements were done.
Sensational Value - Buy a pack of 50 Fritillaria Meleagris for just pounds 2.49.
Of course, the world of fritillarias is much larger than just fritillaria meleagris, with about 100 species from across the Northern Hemisphere, with some larger, louder representatives such as the Crown Imperial, F.