
Also found in: Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to Fris: Kizi, Ifrs, FRIP, FIRS


(Textiles) obsolete a fine frieze-like fabric. Also called: frizado
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References in periodicals archive ?
"We're selling about 500 Beyond Burgers a week throughout the P.J.'s restaurants," Fris said.
While in Fris's current role, as chief operating officer, the restaurant group has expanded from seven locations to 22 throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
FRIs were indicated by inpatient/outpatient ICD-9 diagnostic codes for fractures, trauma, dislocations, and by e-codes.
Fris Vodka is a standard vodka which sells 250,000 9-litre cases in the US annually.
In the TreeBASIS approach, a vocabulary tree is created using a small basis dictionary to partition a training set of FRIs. This vocabulary tree is computed off-line and stored for on-line descriptor computation and matching.
ST HELENS Stay & Soft Play Parent & Toddler Group (St Ann's Millennium Centre, Rainhill) Fris, 10-noon.
The first winner was Blues Billy from Al-Nassriya Stable, rider Edri Fris. The 2nd was Style alliance from Al-Nassriya stable, rider Marvin Sorland.
The move was made to accommodate the growing 50+ person staff resulting from acquisition of Cruzan Rum and FRIS Vodka to the Absolut portfolio, according to Jeffery Moran, director of public relations at Absolut.
Future Brands has also taken over the sales and distribution of V&S Absolut Spirits' standard vodka, FRIS, from Shaw-Ross International Importers.
FRIS Vodka expands its vodka infusion program with six new flavored vodka infusion recipes created by mixologist Ryan Magarian of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle, Wash.
The XMetaL world-leading XBRL technology includes a fully compliant XBRL processor (XBRL CS*3 and FRIS CS*4) and a unique formatting linkbase specification which enables rich presentation information to be stored and managed in an XBRL compliant way.
In a future outbreak, rapidly and accurately distinguishing SARS from other common febrile respiratory illnesses (FRIs) could be difficult.