Franz Lehar

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Noun1.Franz Lehar - Hungarian composer of light operas (1870-1948)
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It was once the seaport for Vienna, and once many other things, a city hyphenating Yugoslavia and Italy, a city favored by refugees, a comic-opera city where Franz Lehar conducted the municipal band, where Joyce wrote A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Exiles, and a large part of Ulysses.
The Merry Widow by Franz Lehar was given its first U.S.
? The Merry Widow - Opera Bohemia - Aug 27 at 7pm, PS17 Opera Bohemia celebrates its 10th anniversary with one of the world's best loved operettas: The Merry Widow by Franz Lehar.
24-26) is Franz Lehar's most popular comic operetta, and it involves efforts to reunite two ex-lovers to prevent a financial crisis in a fictional European country.
Buczko is the guest artist in Philippine Ballet Theater's (PBT) 'The Merry Widow,' a comic ballet based on the operetta by Franz Lehar. Choreographed by PBT artistic director Ronilo Jayanario, it runs Sept.
To the theatre's august list of premieres, one can also add Schubert's Die Zauberharfe (1820), Lortzing's Der Waffertschmied (1846), Johann Strauss Jr.'s Die Fledermaus (1874) and Der Zigeunerbaron (1885), Franz Lehar's Die lustige Witwe (1905) and a starry host of other operas and operettas stretching well into the 20th century, including Gottfried von Einem's Jesu Hochzeit (1980) and Friedrich Cerha's Netzwerk (1981).
THIS vaguely skeletal version of the G&S classic is a reminder of just how good Gilbert and Sullivan were in that long ago time before Rodgers and Hammerstein, when musicals such as Friml's Rose Marie filled theatres up and down the land, and Franz Lehar, with The Merry Widow and The Gipsy Baron, was the waltz king.
The Huddersfield concert on December 30 will be a seasonal selection of music by Johann Strauss - which is regularly performed in Vienna's Schloss Belvedere, and Franz Lehar, while awardwinning soprano Jennifer France will appear as soloist.
FINAL preparations are now being made for Astwood Bank Operatic Society's annual production - Franz Lehar's ever-popular show The Merry Widow.
"It's not 'my music', it's the composers' merit, like Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar. They made all those fantastic melodies that make people feel good.