Flow Country

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Flow Country

(Placename) an area of moorland and peat bogs in northern Scotland known for its wildlife, now partly afforested
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A group of Unesco volunteers have spent the last month removing more than 30,000 tree saplings and welcoming people to see the wonders of the Flow Country in the far north of Scotland.
The promenade event is inspired by Scotland's Flow Country (the world's largest single expanse of blanket bog) and its role in the fight against climate change.
YOU really couldn't blame Earth if it wants rid of us, I thought, while walking around the top of the RSPB observatory at Forsinard near the centre of the Flow Country.
The Flow Country has one of the largest blanket bogs in the world, storing three times more carbon than all of the UK's woodlands.
The flow country of the northeast, Scotland's largest area of bog, holds the Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus), only discovered in 2002, as well as the much more common Cloudberry (Rubus chamaeamoruis).
Last MONDAY, BBC1, 7.30PM Grand Tours of Scotland's Lochs In this edition, Paul Murton, left, heads one of Britain's remotest railway stations,built to service several grand sporting lodges in days when the rich and fashionable came to shoot game and fish the lochs of the Flow Country.
Smith Art Gallery and Museum, Stirling FLOW COUNTRY EXHIBITION: See Fri for details.
Conservation groups will attempt tomorrow to block what would be one of Scotland's largest wind farms in the heart of the wildliferich Flow Country.
Inverness Strength of bid: Environment theme, the Flow Country, mountain sports.
They claim that with the Flow Country, a blanket bog in the north of Scotland, nominated as a World Heritage Site, it is time to stop giving the peatlands a bad name.
Strathy is part of the Flow Country - the largest area of a rare blanket bog found in Europe - and is currently under consideration for World Heritage Site status.
The rugged boggy landscape of Scotland's Flow Country could soon join the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef as an internationally recognised World Heritage Site.