essential amino acid

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essen′tial ami′no ac′id

any amino acid that is required for life and growth but is not produced in the body, or is produced in insufficient amounts, and must be supplied by protein in the diet.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.essential amino acid - an amino acid that is required by animals but that they cannot synthesize; must be supplied in the diet
amino acid, aminoalkanoic acid - organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxylic acid group; "proteins are composed of various proportions of about 20 common amino acids"
arginine - a bitter tasting amino acid found in proteins and necessary for nutrition; its absence from the diet leads to a reduced production of spermatozoa
histidine - an essential amino acid found in proteins that is important for the growth and repair of tissue
isoleucine - an essential amino acid found in proteins; isomeric with leucine
leucine - a white crystalline amino acid occurring in proteins that is essential for nutrition; obtained by the hydrolysis of most dietary proteins
lysine - an essential amino acid found in proteins; occurs especially in gelatin and casein
methionine - a crystalline amino acid containing sulfur; found in most proteins and essential for nutrition
phenylalanine - an essential amino acid found in proteins and needed for growth of children and for protein metabolism in children and adults; abundant in milk and eggs; it is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body
threonine - a colorless crystalline amino acid found in protein; occurs in the hydrolysates of certain proteins; an essential component of human nutrition
tryptophan, tryptophane - an amino acid that occurs in proteins; is essential for growth and normal metabolism; a precursor of niacin
valine - an essential amino acid found in proteins; important for growth in children and nitrogen balance in adults
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
esenciální aminokyselina
References in periodicals archive ?
Common carp protein is characterized by a high content of essential aminoacids, compared to the standard protein established by the FAO, exceeding values in the case of Met + Cys and Val (Table 2) in fresh carp, having Leu as the limiting aminoacid and presenting a "limiting aminoacid" index (or chemical index) of 82.27; this index is a basic parameter used for the evaluation of the nutritional value of a food, which refers to the minor content of an essential aminoacid with regard to a given standard protein, called the "limiting aminoacid." In this study, the essential aminoacids in the sample in freezing without EC decreased, only maintaining Val as the excess aminoacid and having Lys as the limiting aminoacid.
Milk proteins especially caseins and lactoserum (whey) proteins are nutritionally very important because these proteins contain all essential aminoacids in optimal amounts and are the most vital source of bioactive peptides(Cozma et al., 2011).Whey, a by-product from the curd and cheese manufacturing, was once considered a waste product(Pelmus et al., 2012).

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