

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The closest he comes to genuinely explaining the difference between his 'good' ontologism and the 'bad' ontologism of those he critiques comes near the end of the book, where he espouses what might be called a strongly qualified Darwinianism, one where "the chasm dividing unnatural humanity from natural animality is ...
Darwinian explanations of, for example, "feeble-mindedness" failed to stand up to experimental data; Darwinian approaches to race couldn't withstand scholars' greater familiarity with African-Americans after the northward migrations; and the crimes of the Nazis made strident Darwinianism distasteful at best.
It will be a bugle call to a fresh era of social Darwinianism from whose ill effects of the past, we have not fully recovered.
Much of the basis for ID appears to be a view of the world which promotes the notion there are absolute moral principles that humans should abide by and are meant to abide by, (22) that Darwinian science removes the basis for such principles by treating human existence as a series of unguided biological accidents (their characterization, not a necessary or even accurate one), (23) and that Darwinianism promotes scientific and natural materialism; that is, the view that natural forces are responsible for everything.
(32) Marie Banfield, in her "Darwinianism, Doxology, and Energy Physics: The New Sciences, the Poetry and the Poetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins," VP 45, no.
Drummond wrote best-selling religious books in which he incorporated into evangelical theology his assumption that Darwinianism was sound science.
By the 1870s, however, the utilization of Darwinianism for non-biblical accounts of creation combined with other mounting forces produced distinct fissures in higher education.
Ruse's conclusion: "The Christian would be foolish to think that Darwinianism insists that humans are uniquely significant and bound to appear.
Boyles squirms too, though he also places Joyce's views in the bosom of the Darwinianism of the age (illustrated by hair-raising quotations from Darwin himself).