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also Dane·lagh  (dān′lô′)
1. The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries.
2. The sections of England under the jurisdiction of this law.

[Middle English Denelage, from Old English Dena lagu : Dena, genitive of Dene, the Danes + lagu, law; see law.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈdeɪnˌlɔː) or


(Placename) the northern, central and eastern parts of Anglo-Saxon England in which Danish law and custom were observed
[Old English Dena lagu Danes' law; term revived in the 19th century]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the body of laws in force in the NE of England where the Danes settled in the 9th century A.D.
2. the part of England under this law.
[before 1050; Old English Dena lagu. See Dane, law]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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A Viking land B Daneland C Danelaw D Anglo-Denmark 9.
In 877AD, after an existence of nearly 300 years, the kingdom of Mercia effectively came to that end, becoming part of the Danelaw, the territory occupied by the Danes.
After all, Wales had a central position, situated between the Viking kingdoms of Ireland and the Danelaw. Anglesey was a particular target given its location near the Norse colony of Dublin.
(17) Like these scholars, we might be inclined to focus on events from the time when the Old English translations of Wonders and the Letter originated in the ninth century up to the manuscript's compilation in the late tenth or early eleventh century--including the Danelaw, Alfred's desire for English unification, and continued Viking incursions into Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
The other riders who went down were Jo Dooley and Anna Brailsford, of Northern Jorvik, who came 10th, Caroline Peatfield and Nicola Nisbet, of Northern Danelaw, who came 18th, Kirsty Cottrell and Fiona Witty, of Northern Valhalla, who came 25th, and Deborah Oldham, Julie Brierley and Katie Lamb, of Northern Longships, who came 31st.
Figure 5 gives an approximate overview of the Danelaw during the Anglo-Norman period, based on the discussion in Holman (2001: 4-7).
These settlements all fell under the sway of Mercia and when, in the ninth century, that great kingdom was sundered in two by the invading Vikings, the East Midlands became part of the Danelaw whilst the West Midlands remained under Anglo-Saxon control.
Danish Vikings took over large parts of England, settling in a region stretching from Essex to County Durham ruled by "Danelaw".
Mr Whitehead, who has been playing the accordion since his schooldays, has his own music group, The Danelaw Dance Band, and performs at various events and functions in the UK and abroad.
Kibworth was just inside the Danelaw, and the numbers of the newcomers were smaller than was long imagined; recent DNA studies suggest that even in the East Midlands epicenter of Viking visitations, only around ten percent of the population were of Danish or Norwegian stock.
The records of Somerset and Lincolnshire, for example, show similar patterns of performance by women in two widely separated counties of the kingdom (Saxon Wessex and the Danelaw).