Coulomb field

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Related to Coulomb field: Coulomb force, Coulomb's Law, Coulomb repulsion

Coulomb field

(General Physics) the electrostatic field around an electrically charged body or particle
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The produced charged particles are moving in a Coulomb field produced by the positive net-charge from the stopped charge.
Shell said it had shut production at its Coulomb field in the region after BP shut its Na Kika platform ahead of Tropical Depression Nine.
Schwinger [2] suggested the mechanism of interaction of the scattering particle's magnetic moment with Coulomb field of a nucleus.
The case of a particle in a Coulomb field is given a cursory treatment at best in beginning quantum field theory course, says Hirshfeld (Technical U.
Here we exhibit the result of Lee [6]: The motion of an electron into the Coulomb field generated by a nucleus with charge Ze, is equivalent to the vibrational dynamics of a MO.
the ambient situation existing in ATPS represented by the Coulomb field created by a proton, can be seen as the result of the interaction of entropic energy, given by one of the eigenvalues of the energetic spectrum [E.sub.n] = - 1/2 [m.sub.e] [e.sup.4]/[[??].sup.2] [n.sup.2] (where me is the mass of electron and n is an integer positive number), with one quantum of space.
Alhaidari, "Solution of the Dirac equation with position-dependent mass in the Coulomb field," Physics Letters A, vol.
When a free, massless, bare charge e, travels in a straight line at a uniform velocity v its bare Coulomb field [e.sub.*]/[r.sup.2] perturbs (polarizes) the PV [2].
This is a description where the singularity of the Dirac string is removed, but the singularity of the Coulomb field is still present.
For example, the interaction of a massless point charge traveling at a constant velocity results in the relativistic electric and magnetic fields (and by inference the Lorentz transformation) that can be easily calculated directly from the charge's Coulomb field (the first term in (2)) and its interaction with the PV [1, Section 4].
When a free, massless, bare charge travels in a straight line at a uniform velocity [upsilon], its bare Coulomb field [e.sub.*]/[r.sup.2] perturbs (polarizes) the PV.
It is significant that this field difference is nonsingular at the position of the electron's charge, for the Maxwell equations then imply that the origin of the damping force and the field (3) must be attributed to charged sources other than the electron charge since that charge's Coulomb field diverges as r [right arrow] 0.