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Related to Coramine: Nikethamide


a drug, C10H14N2O, which is a circulatory stimulant and is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, hence preventing its use by athletes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n. Coramina, nombre comercial de la niquetamida.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Cilic was banned for nine months for testing positive for banned supplement nikethamide after taking Coramine glucose tablets purchased at a pharmacy in Monte Carlo.
He withdrew from Wimbledon, citing a knee injury to avoid adverse publicity." The 24-year-old tested positive for banned supplement nikethamide after taking Coramine glucose tablets purchased at a pharmacy in Monte Carlo.
Cilic was charged over the doping violation under Article 2.1 although he argued the banned substance was in his system after taking Coramine glucose tablets that had been purchased for him from a pharmacy.
The third-placed rider in the Men's Individual Road Race was Spain's Jaime Hulamo, but he was disqualified after a positive doping test for Coramine, a stimulant.
Where Othello learns too late the truth of the handkerchief, Orasmine learns too late not that he has been deceived by his associate Coramine, as Iago deceives Othello, but that Nerestan is her brother, not lover.
The effect of coramine on the facilitation of the audiogenic seizure.
Agents included [O.sub.2]/C[O.sub.2], coramine, picrotoxin, "intraventricular" adrenaline and later, neosynephrine to boost blood pressure.
The American tested positive for banned stimulant nikethamide on April 24, but claimed it had entered her system through Coramine Glucose tablets and that, as there was no intention to improve her performance with the substance, she should have been clear.
The American tested positive for banned stimulant nikethamide on April 24, but claimed it had entered her system through Coramine Glucose tablets and as there was no intention to improve her performance with the substance, she should have been clear.
Coramine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, [alpha]-ergocryptine, ergonovine maleate, ergotamine tartarate, hordenine hemisulfate, L-tryptophan, lysergol, and N-demethyl-LSD (nor-LSD) were purchased from Sigma.
Cilic was banned for nine months last week for testing positive for a banned supplement nikethamide after taking Coramine glucose tablets purchased at a pharmacy in Monte Carlo.
However, CNN reports that Cilic will now appeal against the decision in front of the Court of Arbitration for Sport by claiming that he unknowingly took the banned substance as he was unaware that the Coramine tablets contained nikethamide.