Committee of the Whole House

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Committee of the Whole House

(Parliamentary Procedure) (in Britain) an informal sitting of the House of Commons to discuss and amend a bill
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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My dear Mrs Veneering, do let us resolve ourselves into a Committee of the whole House on the subject.'
Do let us resolve ourselves into a Committee of the whole House! So delicious!' Veneering says, 'As many as are of that opinion, say Aye,--contrary, No--the Ayes have it.' But nobody takes the slightest notice of his joke.
'And this,' pursues the sprightly one, 'is a Committee of the whole House to what-you-may-call-it--elicit, I suppose--the voice of Society.
The motion, passed by 329 to 300 votes including more than two dozen Tory rebel MPs, allows a Committee of the whole House to consider the Bill and to table amendments to it.
Among those who will be hoping that the committee of the whole House approves their nominations are former Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) deputy chief executive Michael Mubea and Ms Mwende Mwinzi, who faced tough questions during their vetting last week.
Her amendments are aimed at observing Prime Minister's Question Time On the first Wednesday of each session, setting up Committee of the Whole House and referring the legislative proposals to this committee.
He said a multi-agency team comprising Attorney General Kihara Kariuki, Interior CS Fred Matiang'i and himself will appear before the Senate's Committee of the Whole House to explain the programme.
In a press release issued by him on Monday, the former Senate Chairman called on the Leader of the House in the Senate to move a motion for convening a meeting of a committee of the Whole House to discuss various foreign policy options of the country.
Later, speaking on a point of public importance, Senator Rabbani called for an early meeting of the Senate Committee of the Whole House to discuss unabated extrajudicial killings in the country and suggest measures to bring the practice to an end.
Following the submission of the report, Ezeugwu moved that the House be dissolved into a committee of the whole house to deliberate on the report after which the bill passed the final and the third reading.
Recalling that it had been the Senate that first demanded a probe into election rigging, Rabbani argued that it would have been more appropriate that a committee of the whole house (drawn from the Senate and National Assembly) would have been formed on the issue.
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