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a person who holds a commendam
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References in classic literature ?
The Journalist then recites the complaint of the injured Allan Stewart, Commendator of Crossraguel, to the Regent and Privy Council, averring his having been carried, partly by flattery, partly by force, to the black vault of Denure, a strong fortalice, built on a rock overhanging the Irish channel, where to execute leases and conveyances of the whole churches and parsonages belonging to the Abbey of Crossraguel, which he utterly refused as an unreasonable demand, and the more so that he had already conveyed them to John Stewart of Cardonah, by whose interest he had been made Commendator.
Ambiguita da cui non si esime nemmeno il Commendator Angeloni, il quale, probabilmente, nasconde inclinazioni omosessuali.
In fact, the intent to establish Domani is not to make a true newspaper, but rather to intentionally use it as a defamation, a coercion tool for its publisher (commendator Vimercate) (1) to gain access into a restricted circle of people who make up the world of finance, banking, and joumalism, in case he were denied entrance to it by its members.
The Fourth Earl, following the tradition of medieval Scottish diplomacy, persuaded the Commendator of Crossraguel Abbey to consign valuable lands to Clan Kennedy – by roasting him alive in the dungeons of nearby Dunure Castle, an older Clan Kennedy stronghold.
The chronicler reports: 'Severus [sic], episcopus Ulixibonensis, episcopus Eborensis, Martinus, commendator milicie de Palmela ..', Gesta, p.