City of the Angels

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Noun1.City of the Angels - a city in southern CaliforniaCity of the Angels - a city in southern California; motion picture capital of the world; most populous city of California and second largest in the United States
Calif., California, Golden State, CA - a state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakes
Catalina Island, Santa Catalina - an island resort in the Pacific off the southwestern coast of California
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Land of Smoke and Mirrors gives an honest report of how far the City of the Angels has come since those days while bearing hopeful witness to how far it still has to go.
Broad, convinced that a town full of artists, writers, performers, and filmmakers is starved for culture, has a longstanding mission to civilize the City of the Angels. The permanence of a museum also adds credibility and value to his often questionable art collection.
His book, All the Saints of the City of the Angels: Seeking the Soul of L.A.
This city of the angels, of thoughtless belief and so faithless.
While a mecca for the rich and famous, particularly in the film and television industries, many have taken the City of the Angels to task for its unending obsession with the automobile, for its pollution and for simply being, as novelist William Faulkner said, "Too loud, too large and too banal." Even English author Aldous Huxley, while choosing to spend most of his adult life in California, despaired of L.A.'s "vulgarity." Although the performing arts have always played a part in the city's social life, they largely have had to play second fiddle in a culture obsessed by celluloid and cellulite.
Sponging up everything from Nippon monster movies to those runaway breasts in Woody Allen's "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex ...," vet schlockmeister Mark Pirro's "Rectuma" releases a giant serial-killing butt on an unsuspecting City of the Angels. Vidlensed in widescreen "Pirrovision" for just the right mock-epic effect, pic alternates between ridiculously post-dubbed dialogue scenes punning just about every posterior joke imaginable, and deep-cheese action stuff that won't disappoint the target midnight crowd looking for a taste-free time.
"Viewing the cathedral from any direction should evoke sure recognition that this is the City of the Angels Catholic Cathedral, while subtly luring the viewer by its sense of spiritual strength," Mahoney said in a prepared statement.
Moving with the Spirit," the theme of the seventh-annual City of the Angels Film Festival held here Nov.