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the doctrines of a premillennial sect founded in the U.S. in the mid-19th-century, especially its denial of Trinitarianism and its acceptance of Unitarian and Adventist doctrines. — Christadelphian, n., adj.
See also: Protestantism
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In his essay on Frame in Leaving the Highway, Mark Williams discusses the impact of Lottie Frame's Christadelphianism on her children, and on Frame as a writer.
19), we are told, and his doctoral thesis is on the Christadelphianism in Wakefield, 'a topic he had picked because when younger he had felt a spiritual fascination with the denomination, a fascination he now proceeded to convert into a sociological concern' (p.
And Catholic Marianism of this sort is a kind of Catholic equivalent of Protestant millennialism--Seventh-Day Adventists, Christadelphianism, Jehovah's Witnesses.