Central Europe

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Related to Central Europe: Eastern Europe
اوروبا الوسطى
Централна Европа
Europa Central
Střední Evropa
Europa Central
Europe centrale
Srednja Europa
Europa centrale
Centrinė Europa
Europa Środkowa
Europa Centrală
stredná Európa
Srednja Evropa

Central Europe

nl'Europa centrale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
In 1811 the group of people that had formed in France unites into one group with the peoples of Central Europe. The strength of the justification of the man who stands at the head of the movement grows with the increased size of the group.
Attempted drives from east to west- similar to the contrary movements of 1805, 1807, and 1809- precede the great westward movement; there is the same coalescence into a group of enormous dimensions; the same adhesion of the people of Central Europe to the movement; the same hesitation midway, and the same increasing rapidity as the goal is approached.
Or, to choose a wholly unsubstantial instance, purely addressed to the fancy, why, in reading the old fairy tales of Central Europe, does the tall pale man of the Hartz forests, whose changeless pallor unrestingly glides through the green of the groves --why is this phantom more terrible than all the whooping imps of the Blocksburg?
A poor emigrant from Central Europe bound to America and washed ashore here in a storm.
Skanska AB (STO:SKAB) announced on Monday the merger of its Polish and Czech/Slovak construction operations into one business unit, named Skanska Central Europe.
"The AIR Inland Flood Model for Central Europe is a fully stochastic, event-based flood model designed to support both individual risk selection and portfolio risk management," said Cagdas Kafali, senior vice president of research for Boston-based AIR Worldwide, which is a Verisk business.
Well, it is one of the great unspoiled cities in Central Europe. Notice I said 'Central,' not 'Eastern!' The Czechs are a bit funny about that, they think of Eastern Europeans as turnip heads." As some pundits say, the center has moved eastward since 1989 so that, in some definitions, even Belarus, which only has Russia between it and the very eastern edge of Europe on the Asian side of Russia, also claims to be in Central Europe.
"I'm convinced that Slovakia has to stop being a perpetual catcher-up in the fight against waste," Solymos added, as quoted by the SITA newswire, stressing this is especially necessary in the case of plastics.A leader in central Europe?Slovakia has the ambition to become a leader in this area in central Europe.
In the half of 1920s, Hotowetz analysed in detail the consequences of the division of Central Europe unto too small economic units that caused economic isolation, decrease in the ability to compete, decline in production, etc.
First largest country in Central Europe in terms of population and 6th in Europe (38 million inhabitants), Poland is a market with a strong potential for the export of Tunisian products, notably those of agri-food, said CEPEX, noting that the country has a large-scale distribution market with steady growth and of 50% of the turnover of which is provided by Agri-Food.
Francois Bafoil, based at CERI/Sciences Po, Paris, has written a stimulating comparative reflection on capitalist trajectories in Central Europe and the CMLV countries of Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam.

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