Cape Trafalgar

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Noun1.Cape Trafalgar - a small cape in southwestern Spain; "Nelson defeated the French and Spanish fleets off Cape Trafalgar in 1805"
Espana, Kingdom of Spain, Spain - a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power
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The 43-year-old temporary surgeon was killed when HMS Britannia, on a voyage in the western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, was torpedoed off Cape Trafalgar by the German submarine UB-50.
It is wonderful that the civic parties attend Middlesbrough every year to commemorate Admiral Lord Nelson and his men who, although outnumbered and outgunned, defeated the French and Spanish fleet off Cape Trafalgar in 1805.
Last month around 50 migrants were filmed landing on a packed beach and sprinting up the sand at a beach in Zahora a half-hour drive away and close to the headland of Cape Trafalgar near where Horatio Nelson defeated Napoleon's combined Spanish and French fleet.
Off the coast of Spain's Cape Trafalgar Peninsula, the British Fleet, led by Lord Horatio Nelson, took on a combined French and Spanish force.
On October 21, 1805, 27 British ships under Admiral Lord Nelson's command squared up to 33 French and Spanish vessels west of Cape Trafalgar, on the south-west coast of Spain.
REDOUTABLE: SHIPS OF THE LINE AT TRAFALGAR 1805 (9781846031342, $17.95) covers the combined British, French and Spanish fleets who clashed off Cape Trafalgar on the Spanish coast in a duel of bravery.
Are there traits in Europe's later prehistory that are quintessentially attributable to proximity to the Western Ocean from Cape Trafalgar to the Butt of Lewis, or characteristic of the 'bounteous West'?
Produced peak form over this course and distance (1m1f) in December when runner-up, beaten a length and three-quarters, to Cape Trafalgar (subsequent 79-rated handicap winner).
A new joint venture is targeting the growing market for marine wind farms in Spain.Announced yesterday, Endesa Cogeneracion y Renovables, S.A., an affiliate of Endesa, and Enerfin-Enervento, S.A., part of the Elecnor Group, have signed an agreement to jointly develop the projects through a 50/50 joint venture company called Consorcio Eolico Marino Cabo de Trafalgar (the Cape Trafalgar Marine Wind Consortium).
ACTIVE IN ANDALUCIA Adventure Company (0845 450 5311) offers seven days based in small fishing village of Zahara de los Atunes with options incl guided walks, mountain biking, visit to Cape Trafalgar, horse riding and kayaking on lake.
Finally, on October 21, 1805, Nelson found his man--in the waters off Cape Trafalgar (truh-FAL-gur).
He began with the "ever to be lamented" death of Nelson and then described the battle fought about seven miles off Cape Trafalgar at the southern tip of Spain: "The enemy's line consisted of 33 ships (of which 18 were French and 15 Spanish).